Megan's Blog

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Qualities That I Look for in a Friend

What are the qualities that I would look for in a friend? One, I think, would be that we would have a lot of the same intrests. Another would be if we enjoyed each other's company. I would like my friend to be considerate of others, and kind to all.


Blogger Amy said...

Hi Megan,
I agree, a friend should share interests and be kind. You're a very good friend and I hope I am too.

10:14 AM  
Blogger Annette said...

That's cool. I agree with Shelby that differences can help make a friendship. They can also make a marriage more interesting, but it can be frustrating, too. My husband and I have pretty similar interests, so that makes for a pretty peaceful marriage for us. It's our differences that cause most of the arguments (which aren't many)!

12:02 AM  
Blogger Danielle T. said...

I agree with Amy, that you're a great friend, and I hope I'm a great friend to you too. And yes, friends should be kind. Also, they should be honest with each other and share intrests.

8:31 AM  

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